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Exam Preparation Group

Registration form
Conditions of Registration


  • I have completed all due assignments from my advanced training.

  • I have achieved my Diploma Exam.

  • I am in regular supervision with a TA supervisor. 

  • I am in regular therapy complying with UKCP and UKATA requirements.

  • I am a student or contractual trainee member of UKATA.

​The registration form should be completed no later than 8th August 2025.

Payment options
Please tick the appropriate box:
Making your payment

Payments can be made by Bank Transfer to Physis Scotland, Acc number: 16931057, Sort Code: 09-01-29 or by sending post-dated cheques for your full balance or instalment amounts made payable to Physis Scotland to the Administrator, Physis Scotland, 22 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh EH3 7RN. 

Please tick an option
Please register me for the Exam Preparation Group

I have read and agree with the Conditions of Registration and I have selected the terms of payment and provided details of any sponsoring organisation (if applicable).


If I decide to withdraw from the course, I understand that the full fee remains payable.

It is very useful for us to know how you heard about Physis Scotland and our Exam Preparation Group. Please indicate using the boxes and give any additional information below:

How did you hear about this course?
Equalities & Diversity monitoring

Physis Scotland aims to offer equality of access for all.  One of the ways we do this is to monitor training applications and admissions patterns to ensure equality of opportunity, as outlined within our Equality and Diversity Policy.  To assist us in this, we would be grateful if you would complete this form as fully as you feel comfortable. 


We will use the information we gather in this form to gain insight into our applicants backgrounds and help us improve the reach, accessibility, and diversity of our service.  It also helps us identify potential barriers to accessing our services and to meet the commitments set out in our Diversity and Equality Policy.


Your information is treated in the strictest confidence.  It is stored securely and anonymously.  Once we have used the data from your form, the form will be securely destroyed.

Please describe your age:
Are you married or in a civil partnership?
Please describe your faith or beliefs

Please describe your ethnicity

African, Caribbean or Black
Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British
Mixed or Multiple Ethnic Groups
Other Ethnic Background
Please indicate any category of carer/caring responsibilities that apply to you:
Please describe your sexual orientation
Do you consider yourself to have a disability or long-term health condition?
Please describe the gender orientation you identify with:
Do you, or have you ever, identified as a transgender or trans person?

Thanks for submitting the application form. We will get back to you soon.

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