How are You Managing your Energy Levels while Studying and Juggling Life?
Fiona Melvin-Farr, our Marketing Consultant also runs an online health and wellness business. Discover Fiona’s advice on energising your days with these top tips.
I am sure back in September, at the start of the new academic year, as a student, tutor or perhaps newly qualified practitioner – you were feeling energetic and enthusiastic about learning, teaching or supporting your clients.
Now as assignments are due, home or work life is impacting on your time to study and yes …. it is still cold and dark outside, how are your energy levels?
Managing our energy effectively is vital for maintaining our overall well-being and productivity. Here are some suggestions of how you can support yourself, during these busy days.
Top Tips for Managing Your Energy
Hydration: Keep hydrated during the day with water. I fill up a large glass of water and keep drinking it while working. Ice, lemon or cucumber adds a twist.
Nutrition: Get excited about cooking lovely whole foods including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains. This will help to support your gut microbiome and boost the good bacteria. Did you know that most of our body’s serotonin (or happy hormone) is produced in the gut? A healthy gut is often associated with supporting our mind health.
Sleep: Create a relaxing, wind-down routine before going to bed. Establish a consistent sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time each day.
Move: Moving our bodies is vital for our well-being including managing our stress levels, improving our cardiovascular systems which carry oxygen to our vital organs and mitigating fatigue. When I have difficulty concentrating on a piece of work – I often go outside with my dogs and walk in the fresh air. Find an exercise that you love – dancing in the kitchen or wild swimming, whatever works for you.
Mindfulness: Mindfulness or meditation techniques can be very helpful for reducing stress and boosting energy. Schedule times in your diary to take a break, relax and disconnect.
Realistic goals: Set achievable short-term and longer-term goals. Celebrate your victories and give yourself a little reward.
Social: Block out time in your busy week to spend quality time with supportive friends or family. Social interaction can boost our mood and emotional well-being.
Time blocking: Schedule time in your diary for your studies, other work, family time, social time, preparing food, exercise and sleep, so you can create balance in your life, reduce the overwhelm and still achieve those learning goals.
Of course, everyone is different, and it is important to find techniques that work best for you. Experiment with these tips, adjust them based on your lifestyle and see how they might make a difference.
Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash
Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash